Dr. Cino Shearer to give support to South Africans dealing with depression.

Johannesburg 29 September 2020 – Dr Cino is no stranger to African media, in the year 2013 he was nominated as 1 of 130 most influential African. Dr Shearer is an activist of note campaigning on the African continent for equal rights for all LBGTI people and through his foundation Cino Shearer established in 2012 he has granted educational bursaries with million to date all in the attempt to alleviate poverty they educate the African child. The good Dr has surprised most of us by being nominated as the treasurer of the ANC Youth League in the eastern cape. Most recently Dr Shearer has donated a house in the Eastern Cape province serve the communities of Buffalo city and surrounding districts as a shelter for victims of violence.

Dr Shearer has over the years helped people from all walks of people and with the nationwide lock-down taking a toll on people, the good doctor has once again stepped forward.” Studies show that entertainers are twice as likely to suffer from depression than the general public. Studies also show that many celebrities have moderate to severe anxiety. The vision came after noticing a rise in depression and anxiety among celebrities. Some have died dealing with mental health issues. This initiative will help celebrities live a better life,” says Dr. Cino.

Mental issues are frequently met by negativity, shame, and panic. This led many to suffer in silence. With that being said, those suffering from debilitating mental health problems worsen from the negative comments and thoughts society imposes on them and this is why Dr. Shearer has offered free counselling to services to those in trying situations and is willing to assist further where he possibly can and even connect the people with relevant departments that can assist where possible can’t assist directly. 

“Pain starts in the brain, mental health is not seasonal but it’s throughout one’s life” said Dr. Cino Shearer. 

Out of all careers why psychology?
Psychology was the natural choice for me due to my nature inquiring mind.

What are some of the common problems entertainers face?
Entertainers face a myriad of the most common ones are loneliness and pressure from “ black tax “ overburdened, sounds trivial but it’s a harsh reality. Most communities think entertainers are sponges and this misconception most of the time becomes part of their extended families .

How important is it for people to take care of their mental health especially now going towards the festive season?
It is the responsibility of every individual to take care of their emotional , physiological without balance there is no quality of life . Balance is the order of service during festive season .

Can you share one of your success stories?
A victory for human kind was my convincing the Ugandan parliament not to pass the bill to sentence LGBTIQ people to death . It’s a small victory but it took a lot to change their mind sets to accept members of the LGBTIQ.

Those who need to get in touch with Shearer for these free services can contact Cino.shearerfoundation@gmail.com or call/sms/send a please call me to 0725962327.

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