Lieutenant Sangoma……what are you getting yourself into?

It is often said that spirit attracts spirit. This means, as a gifted person chances are you’ll attract someone of a similar nature. Silly thing is, it might be a similar nature not so obvious, someone that you as the more awake one would need to introduce to the them who is in the future. Sounds very spooky…let me explain

We meet our partners believing we chose them ourselves, popularly based on physical attraction, which would then lead to impressions made by behaviour, intelligence, principle and so the list goes on. So convinced we chose them ourselves… uze utsho kehla hayi ndi kwazile uku khetha la, he he he he …wrong !! It is my believe that a partner is chosen for you based on immediate and long-term need

So immediate need goes like this “ Thokozani boo gogo noo mkhulu hee yazi mna ndi lonely, awu ndiya cela bandla. Akhe ni thumele someone” ….impatient child they think to themselves. They make a plan and go out looking. There unsuspecting Thabo walks pass, grab and snatch, Thabo gone. Next thing you know, Thabo meets Gog’Luu at Edgars and kuya shelwa lapho, boom they are an item. Mind you long term need is still there lingering waiting for the right time to invade. It can be a bit of a cruel thing, because when long term need’s time has come, Thabo has got to go no negotiations will be entered into. There’ll be a sudden change of mood, vibe, a deterioration in relations and while you’re still trying to wrap your head around it, the relationship is over.

You see, each Thabo I believe gets allocated a certain time frame, and when that is over, he must go. Pity that time frame doesn’t always collide with Long term need’s readiness( we’ll call him Pule). Eish Long term need naye ( Pule), tend to have a lot happening in their life needing to be cleared before meeting gog’Luu . Most of the time u gogo tends to be without a partner for longer periods while Pule is still making up his mind to not be stubborn and just go to this place he’s been meaning to check out for ages so he can finally meet u gog’Luu.

You see abo gogo make sure that abo Thabo aba pheleli, like they are incomplete, baya shoda. Each one of them leaves you thinking, “ the next man I meet must definitely possess 1,2,3 “ Each one of them becomes a teacher, part of a puzzle making up the bigger picture who is Long term need ( Pule). Without a doubt, when Pule shows up you’ll know, thanks to Thabo, Thabo2, Thabo3, Thabo4 he he he he , well it is out of our hands, so don’t judge. Please torg if you suspect you are a Pule out there, clear your mess up quickly tuu, kunini u Gog’Luu e phahla bandla.

Though abo Thabo are incomplete, they are chosen based on potential. They will have somewhat of a good heart. This is essential because, they are a need for a particular phase in your life. Be it to boost your confidence, to supplement your finances so you can get to complete the most immediate need in your life at that particular time , to introduce you to a world that would advance your gift, or simply just to love you and put you at ease so your vibrations are stronger and you get to the next level of your gift. They will definitely be tasked with one or more of these amongst others. Make no mistake abo Thabo are an essential source.

Pule comes along, eventually – hopefully not in the afterlife, cross fingers. Then iskhathi sama popeye sesiphelile, Thabo must vanish. Heartbroken you are( sometimes) and bruised definitely , Pule finds you. In my previous article – Abusing the office, I mentioned how we are taught through experience and experiment, our relationships are handled no different by idlozi.

I do believe that our ancestors can be the most humorous beings. I sometimes try and paint a picture to clients at consultations about how abo gogo would giggle at what we find as the end of the world to us. Picture your ancestor giggling amongst themselves asking each other “ why is she crying? Thabo u hambile, the other one would respond. Yhoo u ya feketha” mkhulu would add. rolling their eyes as they walk away, chanting – for everything there is a season and purpose under the heavens Ecclesiastes3 1-8, and For I know the plans I have for you Jeremiah29:11. “ if only she could be quiet, she would hear us.” To them it is as simple as that, “ Be still and trust that I am for you.” The nature of idlozi….another article to follow.

Lieutenant Sangoma…do you know what you’re getting yourself into ?

Thabo was the experiment, Pule is the experience. Now Pule and Pulane( Gog’Luu) finally come together. Hallelujah praise the gods! Now begins the work, yeeiiyi, emotions are all over the place, insecurities, ne dlozi on the side throwing their tests keeping themselves entertained.

Both Pule and Pulane have been through rough waters to get to this point, one more than the other sometimes. In some instances they are still going through the most trying to figure out what went wrong where, and know in their minds that they actually have no business being together, but somehow find each other in each other’s company because spirit dictates different.

Lieutenant Sangoma… what are you getting yourself into

Do we ask each other before going into a relationship, actually what is expected of me ? More so dude, in a relationship ne Sangoma ? Hayi sana bathi love is blind until ukhubeka ngo cikicane, the pain!! makes you want to destroy everything in front of you. Let’s hope it’s not that hectic in these love relations though…….

So Pule and Pulane finally found each other and in between there is a client that needs to be taken emfuleni ( the river) , Water must be respected, it is not a place we go to for play. Rule no.1, amanzi ayazilelwa , standard. This means fasting before going to the water, no sex, no alcohol. These are all impositions to your Pule, directly or indirectly so. He needs to learn and understand the ways zobuNgoma. When it is announced “ kuyiwa Emfuleni on Saturday” within the announcement is the massage that please observe rule no.1.

Remember in the beginning we said, sometimes you would need to introduce them to the them who is in the future ? This is the rude awakening . Welcome to the new you. If it is that Pule does not know yet about umfula ( the river) he he he he welcome to water, your plans for Saturday have now been replaced, ku yiwa Emfuleni. Standing in front of them with a humble soul we hold an invisible board written; Introduction to – Ukujola noMgoma 101, our partners become Lieutenant Sangoma. We trust you’ll enjoy the course

A client comes for a consultation, and there is a long queue as well. One of these need immediate treatment, either yoku gabha or futha….”Pule, please show the client how to futha “, that’s how it goes and lieutenant Sangoma understanding the role, plays the part.

A client needs to do a thanksgiving, or an initiate is being welcomed into the household….”hello Pule do you know how to slaughter ? well that’s alright, Ukujola noMgoma 101 chapter 5. Here’s a knife, aim for the neck”….LOL ! it doesn’t literally go like that, but it is expected that the partner participates.

Ku ne sitshiso, an overnight church service, ku bekwa ilizwi, guess what, the partner is expected to miraculously know how to share the word and pray. How would it look vele if the Madam or Man of the house didn’t say something…..but we can’t have that, so lieutenant Sangoma goes at it again.

It doesn’t end there, lieutenant Sangoma becomes a lifelong le thwasane, introducing him to the true him as was destined. What I have realised is – which is a bonus though I guess, if the partner is supportive enough and play their role diligently, they in most cases are pardoned and their journey becomes lighter. However, when there is resistance you both end up being amaNgoma athwasile. Remember this is only when the other is being introduced to the them in the future, not coming together knowingly that you each have a calling. No shortcuts, you then each need to go the full length.

With all that our lieutenants go through, is it unreasonable then for them to control iskhwama sasendumbeni ? To seat in on consultations and classes given to amathwasane? I mean lieutenant is thokoziswad as Baba as well by the initiates same as the gobela, so have they not earned their tittle?

We often find ourselves praying/ phahla for future spouses, but when a potential shows up, we often fail to inquire if this is them, something that looks like them or another Thabo . Someone walks into your life, drives you to the altar with your eyes and ears closed to the signs and warnings of the wise. The best we can come up with is that people are jealous or judgmental when they ask the questions we should be asking.

In this field, it is very important who you end up with, having lieutenant Sangoma Cruella or lieutenant Sangoma Sabrina, the gods forbid both in one person! will most definitely compromise your gift and lead you dabbing between darkness and light consciously or unconsciously so.

No relationship is by chance, there is a scripture reading, Psalm 139 specifically verse 13, that says “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb”. Meaning your path was created long before you took human form. Yes, life tends to happen in the midst of that planning, because from time to time we lose our way getting blinded by Cruella Sabrina and we fall to the side of the road taking us years to finally find the trace again, and sadly some die without having found their way back on the path.

Being lieutenant Sangoma is no child’s play and is a role that shouldn’t be taken lightly either. The process leading to it with the interim partners is hectic and can be damaging, while assuming the role is even more taxing with all the impositions on them of the new lifestyle they are introduced to.

Here’s a thought, Lieutenant Sangoma is your tittle from when you are born and your path is carved. Of course changes are made along the way through negotiations and instances of others not finding their ways and paths that should cross yours, changing your route to either be longer or shorter. Ultimately though we must get to where we are meant to be, come hell or high water, kicking screaming, bruised or dead. You chose.

With that in mind, clearly communicate your requirements before tying others down, leaving them with a feeling of being cheated and trapped. Whether they need to be introduced to the true them or not, everyone deserves honesty. Treat them with respect, love and appreciation and stop giving us a bad name, we are nurturing souls as amaNgoma, we don’t need ukudlisa to keep someone. Charity always begins at home.

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