Author Limpho Seeiso to released a thought-provoking book on homosexuality and the struggle for acceptance in South Africa.

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Johannesburg – Author Limpho Seeiso released her book on homosexuality and the struggle for acceptance on Freedom Day, 27 April 2023, in South Africa.

Unbreakable, which questions the legality of homosexuality in South Africa and sheds light on the struggles faced by the LGBTQ+ community in the country. The book is a call for action to the system to implement the constitution better and to review it. The book also shares the love that the writer experiences with her partner, despite everything else going on between family, friends and the workspace. It touches on the challenges of parenting too.

[“Being a woman who loves another woman, my existence is often times not acknowledged – not legally or culturally.”]

In Unbreakable, Seeiso shares her personal journey and the challenges she faced growing up as a queer person in Lesotho. She revisits her childhood and early adult life, which took her to a dark space, but also helped her understand things clearer. Through her journey, she learned to let go of the hurt and to create her own safe space where she can be herself. Seeiso hopes that her story will inspire others to be kind to themselves and to others.

[“The idea that my existence is something that must be accommodated, something that needs to be tolerated and even legislated, is an assault on my very humanness.”]

Seeiso adds, “the book is for everyone – parents, homosexuals, heterosexuals, homophobes. It shares the frustrations of what it means being queer on a daily basis, so I do think it is for everything, behind all the glitters and the rainbows, there is real life with real challenges for us the queer people.”

The book is available on Limpho Seeiso’s coaching website:, and on Takealot, Bridge Books, Clarkes Book Shop and Book Lounge.

About the author:

Limpho Seeiso was born in 1982 in Lesotho, from a small village of Leribe called Mahobong. Growing up, she knew that it takes a whole village to raise a child and that is where her sense of community emanates from. 

In all her life, she has worked in human capital because of her love for people, and she wishes to continue that passion through her aspiration towards becoming a Professional Business Coach and being an advocate for protected and safe work environments. 

She is an LQBTQIA+ activist, a change agent, Business Coach and a Philanthropist who believes that small humanly acts can change and heal the world. She also believes that ‘healing’ is one of the keys to unlocking who you are; as can be seen in her own healing journey captured in her memoir, ‘Unbreakable’. 

Limpho is a mother and wife who believes that a woman’s place is anywhere she deems it to be. She is liberal that does not fit into any box and is grounded in her spirituality and identity. Limpho loves African stories and believes that there is so much more that Africans still have to share about Africa with the rest of the world.

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