The effects of Covid19 on uMgoma

Ya kokot’I Corona, yangen’i Corona , hello hello hello hello sanibonani !

I suppose singing it in that way makes it a bit lighter? Naahh who am I kidding , this Corona is a serious matter in more ways than many.

So we have different kinds of operation when it comes to ubungoma right ?

We have those who are technologically advantaged. Who are able to give readings telephonically. We have those are technologically disadvantaged, who require a face to face consultation.

Is there one more important than the other ? No, cause each one cannot really exist independent of the other. How ? I mean we’ve had psychics / gypsies for the longest of times ? The simple answer to that is that:

Back then we only knew of light skinned Psychics/ Gypsies
It is not back then now , and Dude, African Psychics existed since the beginning of time it’s just that they were classified under black magic same WhatsApp group with Sangomas.

Keep up with me , I get the feeling I am going to be a little all over the place, but let me try and simplify it.

Yabona, having the calling is huge in magnitude, it could mean knowing only medicine, knowing only how to command rain, Knowing how to give readings, How to heal with song, with praise ( imbongi), Knowing how to pray on things and make them right, even having all or a few of them at once.

Giving readings comes in many ways, crystal balls, cards, visions would mainly fall in the Psychic arena. The bible, candles, water , mirror, visions, amathambo, I think I’ve even seen some using match sticks would fall in the uMgoma arena. Some overlap between the two.

Spirit has evolved, as it does all the time and all that was in hiding and considered black and dark, is actually proving to be white and the light. How ? Look at all the slay queens and celebrities that are Sangoma and tell me that is not spirit proving that Dude, I am as white as the next Donald Trump ? Not that being Donal Trump is a goal, or white for that matter, because that would be fatal and malice to the African child.

So we earlier said the psychic and uMgoma can not exist independently. Andithi we named the different ways of giving readings. In most cases, Psychics don’t deal with prescriptions or treatments. They tell you how things are and sometimes what is required to fix it, and seldom fixes it for you. This is how uMgoma comes into the picture, they deal with the grime. They give the treatments, they are the chicken’s worst nightmare, he he he he he.

Why then during this time would one be considered essential service and not the other ?

Wait, were the Psychics actually said to be essential service ? Noooo, but that they are able to still continue with business as usual, translates to them being essential service. So, actually lokho nje kuthini nga madlozi? So because I am not able to give telephonic readings , mina ne dlozi lam we are not relevant? Subsequently , if I am only dependent on my gift as a form of income, then my household goes hungy? Phela, I don’t have unemployment insurance fund to apply for….uthini ke manje?

What is the mental stability of a healer during this time ?
Honestly I think this question e yang leka, I think this is the dark world trying to tip me over to other side. Lamula Baba, as I try by all means to remain sane.

Let’s look at this, being iSangoma is;
Social work

Ask me in detail about any of these categories and I’ll enlighten you. But for now, let’s take it everyone vibrates at a level that at least grants the wisdom to clarify. So, if these are officially acknowledged as worthy of having permits to work, what is it doing to me who knows that I grant the same service but not acknowledged ? Does that not make I Sangoma u makhwepheni/ mistress of the Medicine, Security and Telecommunications industry ? Ask any makhwapheni/mistress how it feels to only be seen when people are not looking or during convenient times for the master. That is the mental stability of a healer during Covid 19.

What are the effects of constraints on clients ?
My Pharmacy is closed, Faraday, Mai mai or any other African Chemist, I cannot freely go emfuleni , dude I stay in the suburbs so I cannot just freely hit isgubhu in fear that madam and bass next door will call the police ? Heeeeeyi kunzima Sana !! Even worse so because mmmaaaaannn, it is not De klerk or PW Botha In parliament, it is my fellow African who comes from the same roots of ancestry as myself. Sheba, banale maNguni, amaNdawu and still no provision is made for African healing? Andizi….say for an instance i client ihlutswa yi pooki…..he he he he maaan uthi umpathi woMzantsi Africa, ‘see yourself deal-ishana Sana nezi porho zakho until end of lock down. I suppose your disease can wait, just because we don’t have SA statistics at our disposal as aMangoma to testify to the seriousness of your matter. ‘Hla lu njalo Mbambush, maybe next time’.

How could it have been handled differently?
Yeeiyi Maan, How are we still asking that question ? When on national TV before presidential addresses at stadiums , ku shunqiswa Impepho ? Does this not mean we are aware of the importance of idlozi ? Maybe I am being pompous in thinking that our understanding is the same ?
Let me come down, Healing is essential service, whether I do it from my Ndumba or a fancy office or rented space.
Firstly nje covid 19 is about the immune – do we not deal with immune boosting through Imbiza, cleansing of bad aura and energies ? Maan, can we not tell that so and so you met actually brought you isgulo ?
Do we not provide security – through ukuqinisa imizi ?
Do we not provide counselling – keeping homes sane by bringing perspective to that which seems like a be it and end all ?
Do we not provide telecommunications – communication between you and your ancestors ?
And yet we still ask how could this have been handled differently? Oh wait sorry I did say I’ll come down. This is me breathing….

Dear South Africa
That ungenza u Makhwepheni wakho says nothing about me but everything about how far we are from liberation. Have you stopped to think of how it affects me ? Am I an afterthought or maybe even lesser because gods forbid you’re still not aware of who you are ? Damn that’s a shame, because I am worth so much more.
Note to uMgoma…
Thokoza thonga lami nizibonele, ni leleleni ku ngeka lungi, isintu sishabalele, khuluma Dlozi ndi mamele !

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